Friday, December 24, 2010

About Syed Haji Waris Ali Shah

Syed Haji Waris Ali Shah was born in a family of Hussaini Syeds distinguished for piety and learning. His genealogy shows that he was born in the 26th generation of Hazrat Imam Hussain. The date of his birth is disputed varying from 1233 A.H. to 1238 A.H. The author of Maarif Warisya has put the date of his birth as 1234 A.H. corresponding to 1809 of the Christian era. His father, Syed Qurban Ali Shah belonged to a landed class and was a man of considerable learning having completed his education in Baghdad. Haji Waris Ali Shah lost his father at the age of two years and the solacing care of his mother at the age of three. His grand mother Janaba Hayathunissa Saheba under took the duty of carefully bringing him up.
As an infant ,unlike other children he would not drink his milk hurriedly but drink it gradually and slowly.His thirst would be quenched with just a few Gulps, which indicated his future qualities of patience and contentment.
The ladies of Dewa Sheriff were also surprised at the noble behavior of the child and expressed that such a marvelous child is rarely to be seen; unlike other children his sleeping bed was always clean. Unlike other children he never cried. Whenever he felt urge to answer the calls of nature he made strange signs and the nurse promptly attended to him. During nights he was often seen gazing at the moon and stars as if to appreciate the artistry of the Creator. He used to sleep very little;but he would always awaken with the smiling face.

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